Additional 2012 Brevet?

Last year, I had a few requests to sponsor a mid-season 200K brevet. Typically, most 200Ks are offered early in the season, so as to allow time to finish a whole series, but there are those that only want to do 200 or 300s.
On May 5th at 6:30 a.m. we have scheduled the 300K Back Roads of the West Desert (map link:
On the same day, starting at 7:30 or 8:00 a.m., I could possibly offer the West Desert Dash 200K as a brevet (I would need some lead time to get it approved as it is currently only certified as a permanent). It starts at the same location as the 300K and both have similar routes. But I would need an assistant to be at the start to hand out brevet cards as I planned on riding the 300K.
Another option is to offer this route (ride around Utah Lake) as a brevet on Saturday, June the 16th. The 600K riders will be doing this exact same route as their final 200K, starting between 1 am to about 8am, also on Saturday, so their might be some possibilities of overlap and riding together. I willl not be riding the 600 that day and could possibly be around to “start” the 200K riders.
But once again, this is not approved as a brevet and I need time to do so.
Let me know if this is of interest.
Richard Stum, RBA

2 Replies to “Additional 2012 Brevet?”

  1. Hi Richard,

    I like the idea of offering shorter brevets with the longer ones. It is popular for both Houston and the Lone Star Randonneurs to offer multiple options on the same day, originating at the same place. I think it is a great idea to keep people coming, especially those who feel they weren’t in shape for the first 200k and for those who find the longer distances daunting.


    1. Conor & others,
      Based on the quantity of registrants for this weekends brevet (Willard Bay 200K), I would like to put together a few more 200Ks this summer. (The interest level of those wanting to do 300K and up really drops off doesn’t it?) Since it is only myself with no committee (at this point) it gets tricky trying to have a 200K brevet held on the same day as a longer brevet. I am already offering a 400K and 600K on the same day. Now I’m thinking of getting a 200K approved that starts on Saturday morning of our 600K, but that would mean a Nephi start, which is a bit of drive for many of you.
      ~ Richard

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