These loop-route brevets start in Lehi and share the same route for the first 125 miles before they split, back at the start. The 300km version shares the beginning of the 6-Valley Tour 400, so all three of these are sometimes ridden together.
2023 Utah Lake 200 (Lehi Start) — RWGPS Link — 200km Brevet
200km (125 miles) with 3,167 feet of elevation gain.
RUSA-sanctioned time limit: 13:30 or finish by 6:30 p.m., assuming a 5:00 a.m. start.
Because of the early start, unlike most 200K brevets, reflective apparel and lights ARE required.
RUSA route # 2762.
2023 Utah Lake 300 — RWGPS Link — 302km Brevet
302 km (188 miles) with 5,022 feet of elevation gain.
RUSA-sanctioned time limit: 20:08 or finish by 1:08 a.m. on Sunday, assuming a 5:00 a.m. start.
RUSA route # 2764.
These two loop-route brevets start in Lehi and share the same route for the first 28 miles before they split at a c-store in west Springville (McDonald’s / Love’s c-store). The 100K group then makes a u-turn, whereas the 200K group continues west and around the west side of the lake.
(Not offered in 2023) Utah Lake 100 — RWGPS Link — 101km Populaire
101 km (63 miles) with 1,233 feet of elevation gain.
Time limit: ~ 6:14 or finish by ~ 1:46 p.m., assuming a 7:00 a.m. start. RUSA route # 2287.
(Not offered in 2023) Utah Lake & Mona Res 200 — RWGPS Link — 200km Brevet
200 km (124.7 miles) with 2,549 feet of elevation gain.
RUSA-sanctioned time limit: 13:24 or finish by 8:26 p.m., assuming a 7:00 a.m. start. RUSA route # 1425.
(Not offered in 2023) Utah Lake 200 (Nephi Start) — RWGPS Link — 201km Brevet
201 km (125.1 miles) with 2,387 feet of elevation gain.
RUSA-sanctioned time limit: 13:24 or finish by 8:26 p.m., assuming a 7:00 a.m. start. RUSA route # 1272.
Date & Time Check in at 4:30 with a 5:00 a.m. departure with brief announcements right beforehand. If you did not preregister, please come early and pay with a check (or exact change in cash). This event will be held rain or shine.
Introduction The 200K is a loop route which is roughly based on the popular ULCER charity ride (Utah Lake Century Epic Ride, previously sponsored by Bonneville Cycling Club) which circumnavigates Utah Lake in a clockwise direction. We add additional mileage on the south or east end to get the route up to a full 200 km. The 100 km version also travels on the east side of the lake before turning around. It then travels along the the popular Murdock Canal Trail, a paved bike path which sits at the base of Mount Timpanogos, on the northeast side of Utah County. The “Utah Lake 200 (Lehi Start)” route does an out and back up Hobble Creek Canyon, whereas the Mona Lake variation takes a southern route around Mona Reservoir instead.
Warning! This beginning 15 miles of this route have a lot of cues and turns and may be confusing — ride at your own risk or bring a GPS! Also, the last 35 miles (when it is most hot) go along the west side of the lake and have no services.
Start & Finish Macey’s grocery store @ 760 E Main St, Lehi, Utah, tel 801-766-9455. It is just west of exit 279, off I-15 on the south side of Main Street.
Registration If possible, please register 48 hours in advance so we have time to prepare the personalized brevet cards and cue sheets.
No Support The RBA will be at the start to hand out brevet cards and get you started and riding with the group, but there will be no support during the ride, other than the water drop at mile 103.
If you have to abandon the brevet, please call or text the trail boss or RBA, so he/she won’t wait for you at the finish.
Reminders This is a self-supported event, so bring cash for stops at various convenience stores. Also have a pen and/or smartphone camera in your bag as this route requires answering several “Information Checkpoints.”
Contact Ken Moss (Regional Brevet Administrator or RBA), cell 801-833-2782, or rba@SaltLakeRandos.org
If You Are Late Please call me so I can arrange to leave you a cue sheet and brevet card. You can start up to an hour after the official start time, but subsequent checkpoint cut-off times will remain the same, as if you had started with everyone else. If you know in advance, or wake up Saturday morning and decide not to ride, please let me know so I won’t worry about you at the start.