2012 Willard Bay Report

This year’s Willard Bay & Beyond 200K, due to an unseasonably warm spring, was a blue bird day for cycling. The low temp was about 55F (at 9 a.m.) rising to the upper 70s during the day. There was little wind to contend with. 16 riders participated, which is a new record for Salt Lake Randonneurs. It was nice to have riders from Idaho Falls and Wyoming join us.

Many were struggling to keep up with Michelle McClenahan, and the young legs of Jason Hawkins. Michelle was on a TT bike as she is training for a late season Ironman. Several riders blended into pacelines with the those doing the BBC century ride. Others cruised at a more casual rate, taking more reasonably breaks at the various convenience stores along the route.

There was only one reported flat and we had 100% finishing rate.